The more one worries, the older one gets; the more one laughs, the younger one feels.
— Chinese proverb
Maybe the reason everyone thinks that I am younger than I am is because I laugh a lot. Just the other day my sister and I were cooking dinner for a family dinner and my mom, two sisters, and myself were standing around in the kitchen listening to the radio. We heard "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" come on and we all started singing and dancing to it. We were laughing and really enjoying ourselves.
I don't mind making a fool of myself from time to time. Now my kids will get embarrassed from time to time, but I don't care. If you can't laugh out loud, then how are you supposed to get through life? I can even sneak a dance in from time to time with my oldest son while he has the radio going in his room. Of course no one is looking because then that would not be cool, but we still enjoy ourselves.
The guys in my family all think that they are comedians, so they like to try their jokes on me. Sometimes I am laughing so hard that my eyes start to water. There are other times when something they say will set me off. Other people may not find it as funny as me, but I am the type of people who visualizes what is going on while people are explaining things to me so if I am getting this picture in my mind when they are talking to me, I can find some things pretty darn funny.
I don't mind telling people my age, which is 35, but I feel like I am 21 and holding because I enjoy life so much and what it has to offer. So if you ever find yourself in the same location as me as hear some goofball in the background, that is probably me laughing my head off at something funny someone told me. (As a hint for those attending the ICEA conference in October 2007, Jackie Farley will be a guest speaker. She is so hilarious, that you will be hearing me laughing hysterically when she gives her presentation.)
My advice to you is to stay young for as long as possible. Laugh more.