Sunday, June 17, 2007

I've had enough!!!!!!!

OK, I can't take it anymore. I understand that our youth have their styles, but I am about to lose it. I swear, if I see one more young man's underwear because he sagged his pants below his butt, I am going to pull his pants down to his ankles. And if I see one more young girl with a muffin top, the ones who try to shove their fat behinds into tiny pants and their fat has nowhere to go but up and over the top of their pants, I am going to drag them into the nearest store to buy them a pair of pants that fit.

Instead of spending your entire day pulling your pants up and your tops down to cover what's in between, you just need to find clothes that fit properly. Obviously they have to keep tugging away because they see people staring at them. You would think the snickering they hear, especially my comments that are made loud enough for them to hear, would deter them, but to no avail.

I have no shame in calling you out on it if you have no shame in wearing those ridiculous clothes. I call my son out on it in public and I do the same with his friends. I have asked my son in a public place if he had to go to the bathroom. When he asked why I replied, "Because it looks like you took a crap in your pants and it is weighing them down to your knees." Needless to say, the pants went up faster than he could walk out of the store.

My sister and I have our own fashion police thing going on between us and I guess now would be as good a time as any to make a website about these fashion blunders we see on a daily basis. Of course we would put the black bars across their eyes to protect the innocent....from having to admit that they know these people.

The only underwear I want to see from now on are mine as I am putting them on and the only muffin tops I want to see should be on the muffin I am eating. Suspenders anyone?

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