Sunday, September 02, 2007

What are your limits?

Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them — Brendan Francis

OK, I admit that I can't fix a car. Never took auto shop in school and did not care to. So what do I do if my car breaks? I take it to a auto repair person. I accept the fact that I am limited in my knowledge and I moved on.

Many people don't know or accept what their limits are and then they can't move beyond them. When it comes to you, your personal life, your business, your hobbies, your family, or anything else in life, you need to learn what your limits are, accept them for what they are, and move yourself beyond them.

I have been on a treadmill before and was told by a trainer what my limits where supposed to be. I accepted the limits he gave me, but was not happy with them. I was at the gym several times a week and pushing myself each time so that I could go beyond those limits. I was so proud of myself when I got off the treadmill that I was walking around like a peacock strutting my stuff.

That is the kind of attitude you need in life. There are some things that you will never get past your limits, but there are many other things where you can move beyond those limits placed on you. I figured I was pretty much washed up in the college arena. I was older, had a lot more on my plate, and wasn't sure that I would get good enough grades. I would have be OK, not happy but OK, with getting C's in my classes. Once I knew those limits and accepted them, I realized that I had to push beyond those limits. I wanted straight A's. That was my goal. I didn't meet my goal, I got mostly A's with a handful of B's thrown into the mix, but I was happy with that. I pushed myself, even though I was doggone tired many nights, and I was able to move past those limits.

Have you figured out your limits yet? If you know what they are, figure out the steps you need to take to move past them.

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