Friday, October 12, 2007

What were you today?

You become what you think about all day long. – Earl Nightingale

This is so true. If you have a bad attitude, then you notice that bad things come to you. When you think positively, you have good things come to you. I have had days where one thing has gone wrong, I dwelled on it, and it seemed that anything else that could go wrong did. On the other hand, I have had other times where something has not gone how I liked, but I didn’t think about the negative part of it. I put on my positive attitude and everything else seemed to go OK.

People can hear it in your voice and see it in your body language. If I am having a rough day, I stop and take a deep breath before answering my phone so that no one can hear it in my voice. I also think about the other person if I am out in public or on the phone. I shouldn’t take out my feelings on innocent parties and I try my darndest not to let them become a part of my bad day.
Sure we all get frustrated from time to time, but you just can’t dwell on it. Many people have been known to get ulcers or have other health issues because they allow themselves to be so overcome with their feelings of anger or frustration that their body can’t handle it.

They say “You are what you eat” and that can be a scary thought sometimes, considering some of the things I take in during the day. Why would I want to become what I have thought about all day long?

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