Monday, March 24, 2008

My apologies!

I realized this morning that I have been neglecting my words of wisdom. Not because I don't have any, but because life came along and took me on a wild ride for the last few weeks. For this I apologize.

While I understand that you can only truly connect with others if you interact on a regular basis, I hope that those of you who have been waiting with bated breaths will continue to look forward to my future words of wisdom as I learn everyday about what can happen in life in general.

My mom collects Mary Engelbreit items. She loves to purchase different Mary items and share them with others. She also loves handwriting notes of wisdom and love to those in the family, as well as share her $1 words with everyone else, even those she is writing a complaint letter to.

Our words share emotions with those we are communicating with, whether it is happiness, excitement, anger, or fear. While a person can be much more pronounced with their feelings when they are visually in front of you, the written word, whether it is a poem or book or newsletter article, can evoke people to stand up and petition for what is right or wrong or get them to look at a situation in a different light or even bring joy to their life.

Use your words wisely when speaking with someone. You never know when you may spew your own words of wisdom.

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