Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Join us today for our weekly talk show!

Please join me, along with my co-host Danette Moss, for our weekly radio show on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 10 am PT/1 pm ET. This week is a special week as it is a Q&A segment.

-Are you researching the errand and concierge service industry and aren't quite sure where to start?

-Have you opened your doors for business, but things are going slow?

-Been in business a while, but you are facing a new situation and need some help?

Bring any and all questions to this segment and we will use this hour to answer as many as possible. Where else can you participate in a free consultation?

You can listen online at Errand Guru Talk Radio or call in at (646) 478-4999 to listen in on the phone.

Don't worry if you can't be there live, you can listen in later to the archived segment on the website. If you have a question that you want answered, just email me at

We will have a chat available during the segment so you can ask your questions or, if you call in, you can ask your questions live on the air!

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