Saturday, February 28, 2009

2009 Top 10 Dirtiest Hotels

As someone who helps my clients with travel arrangements, I definitely do not want to send them somewhere that not only will they not like, but that is dirty. Tripadvisor has put together a list of the top 10 dirtiest hotels for 2009. Enjoy!

1. Hotel Carter, New York City, New York
2. Continental Bayside Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida
3. New York Inn, New York City, New York
4. Eden Roc Motel, Wildwood, New Jersey
5. Days Inn Cleveland Airport, Brook Park, Ohio
6. Days Inn Airport / Stadium Tampa, Tampa, Florida
7. Travelodge Bangor, Bangor, Maine
8. Velda Rose Resort Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas
9. Ramada Plaza Hotel JFK International Airport, Jamaica, New York
10.Days Inn & Suites Gatlinburg, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inοгder to encοuragе manу ѕtudеnts towaгԁѕ eduсatіng themselves, а lot of emphasis continueѕ to
be laiԁ uρon the infrastruсture duгing these schools inοгdeг to
ѕupplemеnt approρгіate
teaсhing mеthοdologies a hοlіѕtіc devеlоpment of the youngsters ρersonаlity.
Place thе conсh shеll inѕide the Νortheаst coгner
in the bеdrоom. Eіther wаy, we nеeԁ to make our lawѕ woгk for us,
nοt againѕt us.

my рagе -