Thursday, July 05, 2007

Are you open minded or close minded?

Minds, like parachutes, only work when open.
— Anonymous

Sure we may be set in our ways of doing things, especially the older we get, but sometimes it is good to open your mind to new things. How can you experience life to the fullest if you remain inside your box?

For example, I took a cooking class in college. On our first night there we were asked to try a bite of each sample she put out to see if we could guess what it was. Some of the food did not look like I would like it, but I was open to the idea of trying new things. This girl who sat at my table had to make a negative remark with each sample she tried. I knew she wasn't going to come back to class because she wasn't ready to open her mind to new food experiences. Guess what? She never came back after that class. I, on the other hand, was able to try new foods that we cooked in class and found some things that I now like to eat. If I had been close minded to the experience I would have lost out on new knowledge I learned during the course as well as some new foods that I have added to my pantry.

As someone who has been in the errand and concierge industry for close to a decade, I don't shut my mind to new ideas because of my length of experience. I actually encourage people to share their ideas and experiences with me. I have found many new ideas, tools, and technology that I have implemented over the years because I opened my mind to new ideas on how things are getting done or how to do things differently. This has continued to help my business grow and expand to new avenues for me.

What is the worst thing that can happen if you open your mind? Nothing. You can try a new idea or food or technology and find out that it doesn't work for you, but at least you can say that you tried. That's all that counts. Close your mind to the negative thoughts that want to get in, but keep it open for all of the new and positive things you should let in.

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