Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What are your priorities?

I have had to learn to juggle really well this week both my personal and my business obligations. My husband had hand surgery yesterday, so I had to make sure the kids got to school on time so that my husband would not be late. Since I had several hours to kill, think 4 or 5 long hours, I took some business work along with me so that I could feel like I accomplished a little bit more than just reading one of my romance novels.

Well, the day did not turn out quite like I had expected. The pharmacy was having issues with my insurance so the guy behind the counter took forever to get me my husband's prescriptions, then my husband decided to faint on the bed as we were getting ready to leave. Not once, but several times. By that time my daughter was already out of school almost one hour. She didn't have a cell phone on her so I had to rush over to pick her up, while my husband was being rehooked up to an IV back at the surgery center. I was then almost 40 minutes late picking up the youngest one.

Then to top it all off, my daughter demanded that I get her a cheesecake so that she would forgive me for leaving her at school so long. With my son in the car I had to buy him something too. Then I had to drop them off, pick up a check out of the mailbox, dash off to the bank, and managed to make it back to my husband in just over 1 hour. Geesh!!!!

Once I came home, we had to drag my husband up the stairs to the bedroom with the help of the neighbor next door. (Hey, my skinny sixteen year old son could not do it all.) Then I got to play nurse all night. Through it all I managed to get back on the computer, shoot off some emails, work on some administrative work, and get the kids some dinner together. Talk about a tiring day!

I had gotten up early so that I could prepare what I had to do for the day. I try to schedule what I know I can do for the next day and then have a list of "What if's?" so that if my schedule does not go as planned, I have some backup things that I can accomplish.

There are times when your family has to be a priority and times when your business has to be a priority. The key is to decide which falls where each day and schedule accordingly otherwise your will always be behind and someone will feel low on the totem pole of life.

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