Sunday, September 02, 2007

Is that bacon I smell?

Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon. — Doug Larson

My children eat LOTS of vegetables. My husband will order a salad in a restaurant before he would ever order dessert. My mother raised me to eat vegetables, including one green one that HAD to be included on my plate. I have to admit that I like to eat bacon too, but you will find me near the veggies at a party.

Imagine my surprise and horror when my high school age son told me that he knows people who don't even know what a vegetable is or what one looks like. I asked my other kids if they knew people like that and they said "Yes". I can't believe that a parent would not introduce veggies to their child. Not only are they good for you, but they are yummy. Well, except for Brussel sprouts. I have never eaten them and don't think I would ever try. They look gross.

I watched the Shaq TV series about him helping a group of kids lose weight. I was floored by what goes on in our schools when it comes to their lunches and lack of exercise. Poor Tyler Florence was doing his best to get the kids in the school to eat broccoli and they just kept throwing it away.

I think someone should invent a bacon smelling spray. The lunch ladies and parents can then spray veggies to smell like bacon and then kids, and parents alike, would eat more veggies and we wouldn't have a generation that is going to die faster and earlier than the generation before it.

Hmmm....I think it's salad night tonight in my house. I am going to have bacon bits as a topping choice. Eat up!

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