Saturday, May 17, 2008

Are you sitting on your laurels?

There is a lot that can be learned about people by observing their habits. For those people who complain about how they just can't seem to get ahead, most of the time they are not taking any action to get ahead. You will find them in front of a TV or in front of their computer, doing nothing but passing the time. For those that are ahead of the game, you will find them reading books, attending seminars, networking with others, and looking for opportunities to grow.

For myself, you will probably catch me watching the evening news about once or twice a month and even then it is for only about 10 or 15 minutes. Why? Because if I really want to know what is going on the world I can call my mom to find out or check it out on the web. I can scan the local newspaper online for what I want to read and then I move on with my day.

I want to spend my time with my family, learn new things, and grow my business. I can't do that glued to the television. Knowledge is power and you can't have the power if you give it away to the networks. Now I am not saying that TV is bad for you, but as with all things in life, moderation is key. I watch Jeopardy every day of the week, because it stimulates my mind. I also watch Women's Murder Club because that is how I like to unwind on a Friday night.

They key to a successful family and business life is to take advantage of all that is around you. Set aside time to attend the concert series at your local park this summer or join a book club at your local library. By opening up your mind to new things you are also opening up new doors of opportunities for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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