Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What is your focus?

The last few weeks my focus has been on my family and not on my business. We were going through a family health emergency and my attention was solely on that. Does that make me a bad business owner? I don't think so. Something people have to realize is that small businesses are owned by real people who have real lives. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we need that we forget about their needs, wants, and issues.

With the holidays coming up, people are going to want to take a break from their business to enjoy life with their family and friends. We have to be understanding and realize that our world will not end if the dry cleaning is picked up for you on Thursday instead of Tuesday, unless of course you are down to your last pair of clean socks. For that I would recommend making sure you always have at least a 14 day supply so that if the washing machine gets hungry you still can make it out the door with your feet covered.

While I felt guilty at first for abandoning my circle of newsletter subscribers, clients, and networking circle, I realized that I don't have to feel guilty. As the saying goes, "If momma ain't happy then nobody is happy." Once I put my prospective in the right place, the guilt left. Now I am ready to focus on my business again and get back in the thick of things.

Just remember, life only comes around once so enjoy it while you can!

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