Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What type of attention are you looking for?

As I have been watching news reports, it seems that the talk of the town is Sarah Palin. Not because of what she stands for, but because of all of the controversy and scandal surrounding her private life. While I think that McCain is getting a boost in attention, are you sure it is the right kind of attention? My mom goes on and on about what a horrible choice he made and talks about how she may bring him down. I am sure John McCain would be happy to hear that.

Kids look for attention from their parents all of the time, whether they have to behave good or badly to get it. Of course parents tend to make a bigger deal out of their bad behavior more than they do when the child acts good. I know sometimes I have a tendency to overlook the good things my children do, because I just expect that from them, and I am more vocal about the bad things that they do. I promise I am trying to get better about doing the opposite.

As business owners we are always looking for attention when it comes to our business. Whether it is a piece in the newspaper or a bit on the local TV station or current clients are spreading the word. The more people that know about us, the better. Or so we think. The problem is when we don't care whether the publicity is about our behavior, whether it is good or bad, as long as it is attention.

We need to be more conscious about the attention our company receives. We want to throw a party and run to tell everyone when we have done good and we need to quickly take care of any errors we make and not draw attention to these errors. Of course, as business owners we will always make mistakes. It is how we handle them and the attention they receive that will determine what happens with our business.

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