Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm laughing. Are you?

Every survival kit should include a sense of humor. — Author Unknown

Have you ever set back and had a good laugh for no good reason other than something was just really funny? My youngest son makes me laugh everyday. He doesn't always do it intentionally, but the things that come out of his mouth can set me off. They say it takes more muscles to frown that it does to smile. They also say that those that laugh live longer than those who don't.

Now I don't go out of my way to be funny, but I try when I can. Other times, I am just speaking my mind, but it comes across as hilarious. When I was at the ICEA conference recently, two people came to mind immediately who made me laugh a lot. Indra Books and Jackie Farley. Their wit and sense of humor will take them far. I enjoy and try to surround myself with people who make me laugh.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that everyone I hang around with has a great sense of humor, but you have to admit that when you are around friends, colleagues, family, or whomever, you do have a better time when you are laughing. Whether it is a joke being told, a funny story being shared, or just your observations of life, why not enjoy yourself?

If I was stuck on an island today, I would want to find a sense of humor in my survival kit. Have you packed yours yet?

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