Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Who's cutting into your leisure time?

The real problem of leisure time is how to keep others from using yours.
— Arthur Lacey

I was in a session at the ICEA conference where the topic was work/life balance. I realized as I was there that I give away too much of my leisure time for others. Some knowingly take it and others just happen to cut into it. I wrote down ideas of things I want to implement so I can get back more of my leisure time. The amount of "me" time left after all of the obligations is very little. Why would you want to give it up?

Many people today are overworked or put too much pressure on themselves to get everything done, which leads to very little leisure time. It seems that everyone gets a piece of the pie called "Leisure Time" except for the person who owns that pie. Take that pie and decide what slices you want to keep and which slices you want to give away to others. I know some weeks I look at my pie and all that's left is crumbs and other times I get to taste some of the whipped cream and filling.

Take a few moments of your time to jot down what you want from your leisure time and ways that you can cut others from dipping into it. I know I have a few new systems that I plan on implementing in the next few weeks to get back more of my leisure time. After all, don't you want your pie and to eat it too?

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